Class Construction Kit (1.0 Beta 5)

The Class Construction Kit is a tool for the visual creation or modification of Java class files. It is implemented using BCEL and Swing.
Note that this is a beta version which still contains quite a number of bugs.
Please send me a detailed description of how to produce the error if you find one. You can tell me also of course that you like it just the way it is ...


(Click on images to get a large view)


To the left you see the class browser containg all loaded classes. Click on the right mouse button to see a context-sensitive popup menu. On the right panel the properties of the currently selected node (the class java.util.HashMap in the example) are displayed.


A method contains variables, code and exception handlers, the image displays the code of the method get(). Selected code areas can be moved up and down or be removed.


You can also edit the properties of a selected instruction, e.g. an INVOKEVIRTUAL. You may also morph it into a different instruction.


  1. Download the latest versions of CCK and BCEL as JAR files
  2. Put cck.jar and BCEL.jar into the same directory
  3. Start the application with java -jar cck.jar
  4. Have fun!

[a bitmapped number]